By on April 20th, 2016
Say the words “Los Angeles”, and you instantly paint a picture in anyone’s mind of Hollywood glitz and nightclub glamour. As an international student’s host during their time studying here, you might find yourself dispelling that notion more than once. As you know, there is far more to Los Angeles than celebrities and traffic. USH encourages you to plan family outings that include your international guest, to introduce them to the culture and events that they won’t see at school….
By on April 18th, 2016
University of California Irvine, or UCI, is one of the top choices for international students from around the world. This award-winning university has developed some of the best international studies programs available, and because of its location, so near to Los Angeles and many other popular Californian destinations, it’s a hotspot for international students who want the most cutting edge education they can get. Many of these UCI students choose to stay in housing accommodations that allow them to live…
By on April 13th, 2016
While providing a safe place to live and plenty of interaction for learning English are two of the primary duties of a host family, one of the best ways to approach your homestay experience is to consider your new guest part of the family. Allowing them to join your traditions and bond with you personally makes their stay in America even more special. And you’ll find that what you get out of it reflects what you’ve put in. A very…