By on November 23rd, 2014

Host an International Exchange Student for the UC Irvine Extension Program

Do you live in Irvine, CA? Are you considering how your life would benefit from hosting an exchange student? If you are considering going through the process of hosting an international exchange student, the UC Irvine Extension program offers some great programs for exchange students and Universal Student Housing can place them with your family. You can find out about student placement and becoming qualified for being a host family through working with a field representative from USH. Programs Offered…

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By on November 18th, 2014

Can You Make Extra Income from Hosting a Foreign Exchange Student?

Are you thinking of becoming a host family for extra income? Does the thought of housing a student from a foreign country appeal to you? Do you know what a homestay entails? Read on to find out more information about the process of qualifying as a host family and welcoming a foreign exchange student into your home. What is a Homestay? A homestay experience is when a family in another country agrees to house an exchange student, who comes to…

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By on November 16th, 2014

Advice for Host Families

If you are considering hosting a foreign exchange student, you should know you are giving someone a one-in-a-lifetime chance at fulfilling a dream. Host families are given the opportunity to help a foreign exchange student learn about a different country and way of life. When welcoming a foreign exchange student into your home, there are some ground rules and advice that host families should know. Get to Know Your Student Through a series of emails and/or letters, host families can…

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