By on June 5th, 2014

Mars: The Coolest Destination for Exchange Students

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) recently announced a new type of virtual exchange program to engage youth around the world in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education through a virtual field trip to Mars. Here is a video from Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs where middle school students from around the globe learned how to identify life on Mars during the NASA, ECA Collaboratory, and Google Mission Mars Virtual Field Trip.

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By on June 2nd, 2014

Host an Exchange Student in Florida

Hosting a student is a rewarding and memorable experience. Are you interested in becoming a host to a foreign student in Florida Area? Now you can take that extra room in your home and become a host of an international student. Learn more in this Slideshare presentation.

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By on May 28th, 2014

New York Film Academy in 15 seconds!

New York Film Academy Offers the Best Hands-On Filmmaking, Acting, Cinematography, Producing, Screenwriting & Documentary Programs. Check out this amazing video tour of New York Film Academy in 15 seconds.

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