By on February 3rd, 2014

Miami Dade College Welcomes Group Of Cuban Students For the First Time in Five Decades

Miami Dade College made history on January 13 by bringing 15 students from Cuba to study abroad for the first time in 55 years. Two more students are expected to arrive at a later time to join the others as they take courses at MDC for one semester until June, according to college officials. The students will receive college credit while studying sociology, computing, psychology, and business among other types of classes at the Wolfson Campus . Read the rest…

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By on January 27th, 2014

What is Culture?

Here is a nice video that illustrates a conversation that took place on ExchangesConnect, an international community managed by the U.S. Department of State.

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By on January 23rd, 2014

Host Family Testimonial

Hosting is a rewarding and memorable experience. Here is a testimonial from one of our host families. Are you interested in hosting an exchange student? Get empowered with the information you need by looking at our FAQ Page

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